Air Conditioning Tips to Beat the Heat

Air Conditioning Tips to Beat the Heat It is next to impossible to leave your air conditioner off during India’s sticky summer season. Hot temperatures and high dew points keep us running indoors for cold comfort. But running your AC unit throughout the summer can cost you hard on your electricity bill. To help you beat the heat and the electricity bills we have outlined some money-saving tips to maximize the effectiveness of your small AC for home . Check for Escaping Air Escaped air is most likely the culprit for your higher electricity bills. Older homes have a tendency to let air seep out through window seals, or poor insulation, or hard-to-see cracks in the walls. One of the great ways to diagnose this is to have a home energy audit done by your local energy provider. If you are unable to go for a full audit then perform one on your own. While your AC is on, stand outside your home and place your hand near the windows and doors. If you can feel any cold air...