Single Door Vs. Double Door Refrigerator
A refrigerator is the support system of any household. It keeps your food and beverages fresh and healthy by preserving its nutritional value. This is why purchasing the right type of refrigerator with the right size and capacity, is necessary. Despite numerous latest refrigerator models that claim of having 4 doors or more, two of the most normally used fridges are single door and double door refrigerators. To help you choose which the best among the two is, we are discussing some of the factors you should consider while choosing the one: Family size Single-door refrigerators are typically appropriate for nuclear families since they are smaller in size. If you live alone or with a family of 2-3 members, a single-door fridge will suit your requirements. However, a fridge with 2 doors is more spacious, hence, the best for a medium-sized or larger family. Capacity As mentioned above, single-door refrigerators are smaller in size and thus have less capacity. Further, t...